All Reviews

FlirtWith is waste of money
This site is a waste of money and time . I don’t know how much rhey pay there cam models. Most of them have a facial expression of an inmate. It also appears that some of rhe video’s are looped and not live
casinoadmin - August 16, 2023
I posted a negative review on Yourtravelmates
Funny enough, they have contacted me after I posted a negative review but they didn’t bother to contact me (in 4 days now) about cancelling my membership. I have to mention that I have tried Messenger, WhatsApp, e-mail and “live chat”. How come the process is so complicated? So TravelMates, if you are actually genuine, stop misleading and ripping off people and cancel their subscription when THEY want, not when YOU want!
casinoadmin - August 16, 2023
Perfect match
It was a pleasure to use this website and application, I found the love of my life, a perfect match, not joking! I’m so in love with her! Good luck to everyone who’s single or who’s looking for a perfect match. Wish you all long life and be loved! This is the most important thing in life! Goodbye!
sorrudahz - August 15, 2023
Don't waste your money
Don’t waste your money or time subscription to this site. You see the same profiles repeatedly. That includes the ones you’ve rejected, and the ones who’ve rejected you by not replying to your messages. And it’s not just the occasional profile that returned, it’s relentless. That’s without configuring for specific profiles, height, distance etc.
postuttak1y - August 14, 2022
It is a bunch of con
It is a bunch of con merchants that automatically renew your membership and charge you even when you do not want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beware you are warned they intentionally list you in auto-renewal for pay pal and banks which they are entitled to do these people know how to con you legally. You cannot contact them.
mnaingiaqh - August 13, 2022
A totally useless site
A totally useless site, I consider myself an intelligent person but how it is supposed to operate is a complete mystery. I am told someone has sent me a message but it does not appear under the Message section. Avoid like the plague and go to a site such as Telegraph Dating which is straight forward to use and open.
malhamesk - August 12, 2022
It does not do serious at all!
If I could give this dating website a zero I would! Raving reviews on this site but I’m sorry there is nothing to rave here. They don’t even match people to your likes and interests. II had to deactivate my account and cancel my subscription, which is still active and will only expire in Jan 2022. Please go elsewhere if you are looking for something serious because it does not do serious at all!
koksmaatgy - August 11, 2022
I just canceled my subscription
I just canceled my subscription because I wrote that the men there would not even reply to my messages once I told them I’m overweight and then all it was deleted by whom ever is unchanged of the site which it leads me to believe that is a man anyhow I hate the site it’s does not have good customer service actually is nonexistent!, the members here have been here for years and it’s not about them anyways, it’s about the site itself I would not recommend it for anything the worst site in the dating industry period!!!!!!
ravenazr - August 10, 2022
This app is dangerous
This app is dangerous as hell lately. The male side is extremely predatory and there’s more than enough stories of people being sexually abused and their abusers still being kept on this site. The women side is full of pathetic little cretins begging for followers or onlyfans subs. It is, as a literal fact, 94% people posting their links now. They lie and steal your money too, they’ll drop dozens of fake likes and when you try the paid option they vanish. Imagine an app owned by a women trying to be different and safer and all this capitalist tramp cares about is money. Doesn’t kick rapists, fake profiles, pedophile bait, hundreds of underage girls, hundreds of women lying about their age. Absolutely disgusting. Use reddit to get OF followers and if you’re desperate for instagram followers?get a life or leave because it’s pathetic how desperate some of these people are
s200610130vk - August 9, 2022
Fake profiles and photos
This is like all the other “better” dating sites is really only interested in making money – they do little to stop the awful abuse of women on line. As a more mature woman it is even worse, words like MILF are not blocked and men with fake profiles and photos not banned but given several chances to abuse again and again.
e4l3ex1c9i - August 8, 2022
Hopeless app
Hopeless app. Account deleted for no good reasons. Request for help fell on deaf ears. Each attempt to create a new account – I am a genuine guy, not a pervert or scammer – was also blocked and deleted within a few hours.
glyngeamyga - August 7, 2022
So disappointed
So disappointed and think this is a fix. I joined this site about 1 month ago – did not subscribe, got lots of emails telling me how lucky I was and what a huge amount of interest I had! Guys were viewing my profile, every day for 3 weeks it told me I had at least 8 visitors. So I spent just over £32 for a months subscription. Four days, not one view on my profile!! Very disappointed! I wish I’d read the reviews here and saved myself some dosh. Thanks for nothing!!!
nasubok4t - August 6, 2022
Cancelled my subscription
Cancelled my subscription, tried to contact to complain as still taking my money, £2.99 a day and its coming out even though I have no use of my account, not replying to any messages on the chat or messaging service and no direct number to get hold of any one, absolute scam
flancol9l - August 5, 2022
Fraudulent company - BEWARE
Fraudulent company – BEWARE. They set payments to recurring without your consent. Refuse refunds and ignore requests for them to stop taking your money. DO NOT GO PREMIUM ON THIS APP. WILL COST YOU HUNDREDS OF POUNDS!
ilmsinsl6 - August 4, 2022
Another pointless dating app
Another pointless dating app. People supposedly match you then immediately disappear when you message. A total scam just trying to fleece you of your information and money.
el1t2ragp - August 3, 2022
Site is full of fake profiles
Site is full of fake profiles. Many fake likes and conversations. You can tell the conversation isn’t real. Answers given either don’t make sense or are intentionally vague and provide zero depth and go nowhere. If you are discerning about your potential match, I would avoid this site. Not saying there isn’t romance to be had on there, but it’s not even close to the way commercials represent this site.
adonantastp - August 2, 2022
DO NOT join!
DO NOT join! False Advertising and HORRIBLE Customer Service! Save your money. Much more reputable sites out there. Quick to take your money but very very ignorant when it comes to assisting the customer. Again,..Beware!!
capvirexc - August 1, 2022
It is terminated my account
It is terminated my account for NO VALID REASON. They refuse to refund me the $129.99 I paid for 6 months and only used it for 3 months because they sent me an email saying they decided to terminate my account as if I’m some kind of Nigerian scam or prostitute. Buyer beware. The WORST dating website.
xp2r1 - July 31, 2022
I have recommended time after time
As my family and I were watching Hulu, the most disgusting commercial came on from this site and completely terrified my 5 and 6 year old children! I am extremely disappointed in site for even advertising something so horrific! Really satan with a site?! I have recommended time after time…NEVER AGAIN!
ve1stmi - July 30, 2022
Literally the worst customer Service ever
Literally the worst customer Service ever! I have sent over a dozen requests stating I am having issues getting in to view my account, with no response back. They say to wait 24-48 hours. This has been going on for weeks. They had no problem taking my money, though. I recommend using a site that has a responsive customer service department.
kabasib - July 29, 2022
Never happened
Signed up and paid for a one month subscription. Within 24 hours, my account was locked out. I called and was told I would receive an email from their technical department within 24-48 hours. Never happened. Called again and promised again. Nothing happened. Several more calls and told by each rep they couldn’t see the issue with my account and I had to wait for an email. At the second week, I called and was told the problem would be rectified by the end of the day. Not trusting that answer, I waited until 90 minutes before they closed for the weekend to call again.
teemexonerogejb - July 28, 2022
It is uses fake messages
It is uses fake messages and hits to draw you in and once you join. The members that contact you are not paid subscriptions so you can never talk to them. Then once upon cancelling they do not refund your money even though you cancelled with in the prescribed time frame. Do not join. They trick you. They do not have good paying members. All just free memberships and they cannot contact you.
pedolhosamz - July 27, 2022
This site blocked me
This site blocked me without cause twice in a row, wouldn’t explain why and disappeared a month before even issuing a refund! I couldn’t read nor respond to messages, making me look fake and sabotaging my love life- on the weekend too!
pusaugisvp - July 26, 2022
Very expensive to have membership
It’s no different than the free dating apps. Very expensive to have membership yet the quality of members is average. I have used this app on several different occasions and would never recommend it to anyone.
mskrutons7 - July 25, 2022
Sites are full of scam
Most of these dating sites are full of scam artists especially pretending to be females or may be real trying to scam people into getting monies from someone who can be victim to their charm & gets ripped off.
jarlitz7v - July 24, 2022
This is absolutely the worst dating site
This is absolutely the worst dating site of them all. You Lose half of the answers Because Match cannot keep up. It’s pretty hard to have a dialogue. Then it’s 2 or 3 times more expensive than other dating sites. And at least 50% of the profiles are fake.
rodiannayn - July 23, 2022
This one is the most expensive
I have used several dating sites over the years and met several wonderful people. This one is the most expensive I have ever used. I have had no matches worth mentioning despite trying to meet many women by sending many likes and messages. I must not be too hard to meet due to my previous experiences with other sites.
blizballgd - July 22, 2022
Expensive subscriptions
It uses an app and a program that is clunky and needs updating for well paying customers. Match reports false information when trying to re-sell subscription their expensive subscriptions: sends emails to prospective clients that other subscribers are liking your profile so you will be enticed to purchase another subscription.
blurrpleon - July 21, 2022
No response of course
I had my profile set to hidden and hadn’t filled out much along with uploading one photo. All of a sudden I get bombarded with sleezy messages. I was really put off by it and contacted customer service for a refund and to de-activate my account. No response of course. I’ll stick with eharmony, they have a better reputation and only matches can contact you along with having settings that work correctly.
yokuhlolab2 - July 20, 2022
Horrible experience
I used this site many years ago and l’m very disappointed this time. Waste of money. Not worth it. They want to charge you for everything. You can’t even put the picture you want on as your profile. Horrible experience.
classickateqr - July 19, 2022
Scam people by catfishing
They use other more attractive people and scam people by catfishing. Dishonesty and liars are making this the worst for sure for fraud. Don’t have a thing to do with them. They are greedy and have no customer service to speak of. Pathetic!!!!
idioteque892o - July 19, 2022
Such a waste of time and money
Didn’t follow my preferences. Lost info on men I was interested in. 90% of the time they showed me derelicts. Three profiles I communicated with were removed. Such a waste of time and money. My advice, it’s better and safer to be alone.
dubtown31bd - July 18, 2022
Still keeps popping open
This pos company matches me with my dream woman, So I close my account, REPEATEDLY! Still keeps popping open. Get a call from my dream girl who tells me I’m a liar and cheater and I’m still on this site. They are so sued!!! They ruined my life and took everything from me. So think of that before you use this pos company.
tillie0h - July 17, 2022
I pay a lot of money
I pay a lot of money for this app, and several times a day, I can’t get into the mobile app, even with the correct password. When I write to the support service, I always get the same answer to reset my password. I must have done this ten times now. For all the money, an inferior app.
a2k3afjm - July 16, 2022
I want my money back
I went to this site in hopes of finding love, what a joke. I think they are just collecting money. When I say no to a profile that same profile continues to pop up. I want my money back it’s a joke.
pahapenp - July 15, 2022
With the basic subscription you can’t even read messages sent by other users. You also cannot turn off two-step verification. this website has clearly become a money grab, and I can honestly say I used to like it but now I HATE it. GO ELSEWHERE!!!!
glouchov60 - July 14, 2022
Don't lie to people
This site advertises itself as a free dating website. You can then make upgrades with to see more features. This is false advertising. You can do absolutely nothing but make a profile for free. If you are going to make a pay only service then make it a pay only service. Don’t lie to people to get their information.
jandoniie - July 13, 2022
I am disappointed in the service
Do not waste your money on this website. Number one thru don’t have my match and they took money out of my Account after I cancelled. I spoke to the associate who told me that refund cannot be made despite that I cancelled because I am disappointed in the service.
felixbrunqj - July 12, 2022
I used this site years ago and recently became a new paid subscriber. Boy has it changed! Has the entire world became greedy? I wasn’t able to search on my own because every time I signed on I would get a prefab message that said “boost” yourself to be seen better. Better? What did I pay s 6 months subscription for site to control the narrative. And they offer no link on the site to contact them. What a rip off! I deleted my account, only having it for 2 weeks. Beware!!!
varaldasu - July 11, 2022
This site feeds you
This site feeds you, people who appeal to your selection, once you communicate with them on a free messaging basis, you lose contact, then you pay and their profile is no longer found. This has happened a number of times, I initially gave it just a fluke chance, but it has happened more than once, in addition, I have given my preference and repeatedly my box is filled with those outside of my preference. I have more than just an inkling this is the method of which they work. They should not be allowed to charge for their services because it is never up to par. Basically they sucker you in then charge you and want to keep charging you annually if you don’t cancel, it’s a gimmick.
belaf2 - July 10, 2022
I was unhappy
I joined this site and after a week saw that it wasn’t performing like I had hoped. The amount of people available and the amount I liked and messaged versus how many of them viewed my profile. So I was unhappy after a week and called customer service for a refund. They refused to give me one, said I only had 2 days to do that. I told them just prorate it for the week I used. They refused and have stuck me with a service I don’t want for 6 months. SO REMEMBER IF YOU WANT TO CANCEL YOU HAVE 2 DAYS!!!
slyhrtbto9 - July 8, 2022
Do NOT waste your time or money on this site
Do NOT waste your time or money on this site. Let’s forget about the fact that most of the people on here are mouth breathers who are in desperate need of a bath. 2/3’s of the Top Picks on the site are NON-SUBSCRIBERS. If you are a subscriber and message a non subscriber they won’t receive your message unless they rejoined or YOU PAY FOR THEM to read it. Stupid. I wasn’t happy with their unethical business practices and so I not only canceled my subscription, but I also got a FULL REFUND. I’m sure most people don’t think it’s possible. Get your $ money back.
avunewe - July 7, 2022
The biggest mistake I ever made
The biggest mistake I ever made. They only give you limited access of what you can do to your account THAT YOU PAY FOR. They need to do a better background on these people. They need to have a way for you to unlike someone if you change your mind about them. They also need to give you more time to decide if you like their -website- two days just isn’t enough time. You’re stuck with the payment if you decided that you changed your mind. There’s way too much to for me to say.
jfreeaakn5 - July 6, 2022
This is the best fraud
This is the best fraud that I have seen in the dating app, almost all the couples are robots or false people who never show thenselves as they really are, and what they are looking for is gift cards that ask you with different pretexts; anyway if you do not want to be scammed stay away from this app.
fibuli6u - July 5, 2022
Nothing to navigate
Nothing to navigate. No age based search option. Tons of young flat chested gooks if that’s what your looking for. I doubt any of them actually live or reside in the town they claim to be in. I uninstalled after four minutes.
icyicirofn - July 4, 2022
Big scam
I signed up for this site- Stupid me! Is draining your money – pay for chats, emails and all the profiles are fakes. Since the members are 24/7 active/online I believe they are just customer service of the sending messages. I received the same email from two different members. Do not open their emails, will charge you 10 credits for a scripted email. Everything is a fake I want my refund and I will report to BBB. Big scam!
hedgeoffite31 - July 3, 2022
It's a scam
It’s a scam it’s a shame a honest hard working guy cant meet a honest girl nowadays…these people should be blocked from scamming people I understand making a buck but this is a pure con probably none of them are real Nigerians
iluvbrooke101es - July 3, 2022
Awful unacceptable service
Awful unacceptable service. I have been overcharged more than once by the site. The fraud investigation was initiated by my bank, site did not cooperate to request of investigation, reconciliation of the invoices. They just refused to present the invoices reflecting corresponding purchase of credits. Customer service is never there to respond.
apoiante33 - July 2, 2022
Not a real woman
I think i might be texting a robot or a computer .not a real woman .i just joined today i think i made a mistake again
arizonababe03zx - July 2, 2022 is very costly
This site is very costly, you need to buy a lot of credits to be able to chat. I sent an email to your customersupport to cancel my membership.
zuscannenfl - July 1, 2022
Biggest rip off money making scam
Biggest rip off money making scam around, they keep you on text women then when you run out of coins they suckered you into buying more justso you keep talking to women, should be investigated into
nekhambi9a - July 1, 2022
I don't recommend
Honestly I don’t recommend this place. It is super expensive and I still gave it a chance I initially planned stay for some months and then move conversation outside. Members said only I asked they said I needed to give them time. I did I stayed for 1 year. And when I tried moving conversation outside members told me they can’t talk outside unless I have paid for a minimum of 3 or more years. Another member also told me when the time came and we actually met I would still need to pay to chat with him.
inkomgeld52 - June 30, 2022
I was not happy with
Ive been trying to cancel my membership! Contact customer service by mail, phone, whatsapp, Facebook messenger and still no answer! I was not happy with the app so I want the suscription cancelled right away!
grizyti65 - June 29, 2022
I NEVER posted a profile on Amolatina
First of all, I NEVER posted a profile on this site, but all of a sudden, I kept getting about 20 emails from this dating site ! It’s as if my profile from another website I posted on was “stolen.” Meanwhile, I think some of the profiles seem fake, and or professional writers are posing as real women. Based on the horrible amount of bad reviews on this site, I am skeptical about enrolling and being a member, and or buying coins. Sounds like a scam to me !
bluegoodfairy9d - June 29, 2022
False women on website
There are a lot of false women on website that say that they don’t want to chat by e-mail. They are doing this because they want you to pay money for credits that are needed for chatting. Liers and cheaters! As all this world full of lies.
duggpunkt2n - June 28, 2022
I lost 400$ on Amolatina
I lost 400$ on a site ran by this same company and I am pissed – I do have an investigator looking at it and hopefully I do get my money back 😤 but like all these other comments say, all these woman make the most excuses to avoid getting your contacts, if they liked you so much, they’d add your contacts and not sit on the stupid app still and it’s every person you talk to aswell, it’s such a scam and I wish I noticed earlier
garbanoja35 - June 28, 2022
All fakes in
All fakes here! The second i signed up i get a ton of love letters and people telling me i look amazing when i don’t even have a picture :)) all speak in cheesy slogans clearly not written just to you. “no matches” in my area, who knows where they are. Didn’t even bother trying paid features. $299 for 1500 credits. It costs 1490 credits to send someone a blue bunny…
e2n1er1ze - June 27, 2022 is fake
This entire site is fake im glad i didnt purchase a subscription their are red flags everywhere on this site, I never been on a latin dating site where EVERY single message OR CHAT i receive is in english no way in the world does all these women have money to purchase subscriptions and speak english Lets keep all the way real, I travel all over latin america and the carribean and never met more than maybe 5 women out of hundreds who speak perfect english and have a credit card which is needed to purchase minutes lol they frauding on this site, Thanks for the response but that reconfirms that this site is fake because you didnt repsond to anything about every email is in english lol stop playing with people emotions lol
bezformiejc - June 27, 2022
Do NOT engage with
I noticed that the writing style of the messages is coincidentally similar to each other. They are also too articulate, which is consistent with pre-empted motives, like they’ve been scripted to maximise opportunities for replies, and therefore money garnering. I’d requested to have my profile deleted and apparently their 24/7 support is struggling to do that, and the robots keep messaging. So they don’t read your profile at all as I wrote on mine that the site is a scam and want my profile deleted. I also couldn’t delete my pics as I wished, which is something I’m furious about.Do NOT engage with
esesine6p - June 26, 2022
Amolatina is a scam
This is a scam, as Latina I thought it was true and once they started texting me, the platform asked for money, I paid $19 then by mistake $96, they said refund will be done but instead nobody answer
tafinifr - June 26, 2022
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